Developer setup¶
This guide will explain how to set up your environment in order to contribute to PyTVPaint.
Python 3.9 or greater are the supported versions for PyTVPaint.
We use Poetry which is the packaging and dependency management tool. It handles your dev virtualenv with your working dependencies.
First clone the repository:
❯ git clone
# or if you use SSH auth
❯ git clone
Then install the dependencies in a virtualenv with Poetry:
❯ poetry install
Note that this will only install the library dependency. To install optional dependency groups (to build the documentation, run tests, etc...) you can use the --with
❯ poetry install --with dev,docs,test
Code formatting¶
We use Black to ensure that the code format is always the same. Black has strong defaults and is easy to use:
# Will format all the .py files in the current directory
(venv) ❯ black .
# To only check if the format is correct
(venv) ❯ black --check .
Use poetry shell
to enter a new shell in the virtualenv. In this page commands marked (venv) ❯
can also be run with poetry run <command>
We also use Ruff as a linter. It combines a lot of rules from other projects like Flake8, pyupgrade, pydocstyle, isort, etc...
(venv) ❯ ruff .
# Will apply autofixes
(venv) ❯ ruff --fix .
Type checking¶
Mypy is the go-to static type checker for Python. It ensures that variables and functions are used correctly and can catch refactor errors when editing the codebase.
(venv) ❯ mypy .
We currently exclude untyped calls for Fileseq and websocket-client in pyproject.toml
with untyped_calls_exclude
The documentation is built using MkDocs which is a static site generator that uses Markdown as the source format.
On top of that we use Material for MkDocs which provides the Material look as well as some other nice features.
You can either run the development server or build the entire documentation:
# Will serve the doc on with hot reload
(venv) ❯ mkdocs serve
# Build the doc as static files
(venv) ❯ mkdocs build
The Python API documentation is auto-generated from the docstrings in the code by using mkdocstrings. We use the Google style for docstrings.
For example:
def tv_request(msg: str, confirm_text: str = "Yes", cancel_text: str = "No") -> bool:
"""Open a confirmation prompt with a message.
msg: the message to display
confirm_text: the confirm button text. Defaults to "Yes".
cancel_text: the cancel button text. Defaults to "No".
bool: True if clicked on "Yes"
return bool(int(send_cmd("tv_Request", msg, confirm_text, cancel_text)))
Unit tests¶
For the unit tests, we use Pytest. Fixtures are located in the
To run the tests you'll need an open TVPaint instance with the tvpaint-rpc plugin installed.
To run them, use the following commands:
# Will run all the tests
(venv) ❯ pytest
# Run with verbosity enabled (use PYTVPAINT_LOG_LEVEL to DEBUG) to see George commands
(venv) ❯ pytest -v -s
# Only run specific tests with pattern matching
(venv) ❯ pytest -k test_tv_clip
# See the coverage statistics with pytest-cov
(venv) ❯ pytest --cov=pytvpaint