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πŸ’» Brunch Dev Team

  • Radouane Lahmidi
  • Joseph Henry
  • Chloe Oternaud
  • Alexis Prayez

πŸ™ Special Thanks

Brunch Studio for supporting the project

  • Fabien Cellier : Head of Studio
  • Jean-Charles Kerninon : Head of CG
  • Emilie Revert : Head of 2D Productions

Other Contributors:

The official PyTVPaint logo was made by Juliette Danesi ( πŸ”— ) at BRUNCH Studio. ✨

πŸ’Ž Brunch gems

A special thanks also to our wonderful artists at the studio who also submitted some very interesting logos for the project.

These were obviously made as a joke, and do not represent the true skills of these talented individuals πŸ˜…

  • Milo Pottier

  • AlphΓ©e Note

  • Pierre Yves Vauzelle